Projet RIBuild : Robust Internal Thermal Insulation of Historic Buildings

Date de parution
- Screening
- Survey of the historic building stock in each participant country focused on materials and structure
- Review of existing guidelines and technologies on internal insulation
- Characterisation of the most common materials and property data for historic buildings
- Determining threshold values for failure of building structures and materials, for instance for mould growth or rot in wooden structures
- Case studies and laboratory tests
- Monitoring internal insulation systems of historic building in the participating countries
- On-site and laboratory tests of wall constructions retrofitted with various internal insulation systems under various climate conditions
- Compilation of data from the case studies will be compiled into databases for the evaluation of internal insulation systems under different realistic conditions
- Development of probabilistic methodologies for:
- Hygrothermal assessment of building components
- Evaluation of building performances
- Life Cycle Assessment and energy-saving potential
- Cost/benefit assessment
- Development of guidelines
- Development of guidelines for decision-making and practical installation of internal insulation based on RIBuild research
- Evaluation and demonstration of the guidelines in order to validate their efficiency and positive impact on the energy performance of historic buildings
Date de parution
Programme Horizon 2020
Zone géographique
Type de publication
Site internet
Travaux de recherche
Poste d’intervention